What Made the Most Famous Songwriters Famous?

Most Famous Songwriters

What are the secrets of Song writing success? I analyzed ten famous songwriters and found that in most cases, writing music for Hit Songs was the key to their success.

The analyze of ten songwriters revealed the following patterns.

• Having a good hook is more than half the battle. People don’t like catchy songs. They want to be entertained and excited.• A well written song hook requires attention to small details. For example, the lyrics and the melody have to be as clear and as spot on as possible.• Importance of Rhythm. Music is most important in the structure of a song. The importance of Rhythm guided many of the great songwriters.line and lyrics of hit songs

Why a good hook is important

A good hook is like a good smell, a pleasant smell, a flavor you enjoy. It’s that something your friend or lover uses to draw you over. We are attracted to songs that have a catchy hook or riff.

Many a time, we categorize songs by their hook. Have you ever been watching television and saw two or three good hook songs on one show? They may have catchy verses, but often they also have good hooks that stick in your mind.

Having a hook is important, because every songwriter wants to write a good song. If you are attracted to this style of music, then give it a try.

What About The Melody?

The melody is also important, because every song will be enjoyable to hear. Even if there is no hook, the melody still has to be good. Study hit songs and listen to the melody. There must be a memorable melody.

The training of songwriters

A tip I got from a friend who runs an environmental training services company as well as publishing six songs gave me this tip. If you are attracted to writing melodic songs, then make sure you learn from the masters of the genre. Seek inspirations from successful songs. Sites like Pitchfork and Metropolis are great tools to find the masters of the genre.

These are tools to get you on your way as a songwriter. You can use these tools to maintain and develop your skills as a songwriter.

How about you?

These are some of the ideas for you to have in mind. There are also tools you can use to improve your songwriting skills. You can also find them on the web. Some of the great websites and software are on the internet. They are great to use for songwriting.

These are just some of the things that you should keep in mind as you pursue songwriting. With the things that you need to know on songwriting, I am sure you will be on your way to becoming a successful songwriter.

Where to start your journey as songwriter

You may have heard or read song lyrics. You know what makes up some of the best songs. Some of the words that hit the top of the charts are a simple as “love, it’s simple as”.

Treat every song as a gift that makes you feel happy inside. The melodies and hooks of the song are what attract the listener to the song. Remember the songs that helped you feel motivated to write your own.

These are the songs that have impact with you. Re-listen to them and feel the impact that they left in you.

Then start writing your own songs and keep writing. Soon, you will have the confidence to cut out the tired old songs and replace them with fresh new lyrics and build on your song ideas.

Where to start your songwriting

You may have a favourite band that come to mind when you think about starting a songwriting contest. The band that you mention may be the best of the best, but that’s not a guarantee.

You can start out by choosing a less known band to compete with. Compete with the best. Be successful and you may get inspiration from a band that has no share of the popularity and success of your band.

Whatever you do, just remember that you are writing with the goal of creating a hit song that will make you famous and richest!

Just get started and keep writing. The world will love your music and in no time, record labels will take you in as one of the lead singers.

Carry on!

I wish you every success in your songwriting career.

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